
There are two main ways to install sai:

  1. If you’re on a Unix(-like) system, say Linux or OS X, then you can do a full/native installation.
  2. If you’re on a Windows system, or for some reason don’t want to install natively, you may use the software within a Docker image.

Native Installation

You’re going to need to get IBM Watson credentials, install sox and finally install sai.

First step: IBM Credentials

You need a valid username and password for IBM Watson’s Speech to Text API. You may sign up here. After you’ve created your accout, make an app that uses Speech to text service. Go the settings and save your credentials.

The process has been explained in detail in here

Second Step: Installing sox

You need to install sox on your system. We’ll use sox to process the audio.

If you’re on a Linux system, it should probably be in your distro’s repository. If you’re using Ubuntu (or similar), you may install by entering the command below in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install sox

If you’re on OS X, then choose the most recent version from the sox ‘s official repo and install it on your system. The link is here.

If you’re using homebrew, however, you could just enter the command below in a terminal:

brew install sox

Third Step: Installing SAI

You should be installing this library via Python’s pip. Enter the command below in a terminal:

pip install SimpleAudioIndexer

Note that if you wish to run the unit tests, you need to install pytest (and preferably tox as well).

That’s it! If everything was okay, you should be having it on your system. To verify, enter in your terminal:

sai -h

You may also enter in a Python shell:

>>> from SimpleAudioIndexer import SimpleAudioIndexer as sai

If you didn’t see any error messages, then sai is successfully installed!

That’s it! you’ve installed sai successfully!

Offline indexing with CMU Pocketsphinx

You have an option to use CMU Pocketsphinx as your audio indexer. Note that the quality of Pocketsphinx is at “pre-alpha” level which means almsot never you’d see a result that’s perfectly accurate.

Only use this option if you don’t want your files being uploaded to Watson’s servers, or you’re on Windows and don’t want to go in the Docker route.

First step: Installing ffmpeg

You need to install ffmpeg to regularize the encoding of your audio files.

If you’re on Linux, it should probably be in your repositories. You may download ffmpeg on Ubuntu via

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

If you’re on Mac, you may either go to ffmpeg ‘s website and download it, or install it via homebrew by entering:

brew install ffmpeg

Second step: Installing Pocketsphinx

Use the official guide here to compile it. The guide is relatively straightforward.

Note that unless you know aboslutely what you’re doing, don’t install prepackaged versions e.g. from your distributions repositories etc.

Third step: Installing everything else

Install sox and sai natively, as it was described previously!

Docker route

If you’re on a Windows system, or for some reason don’t want to install natively you may run sai within a docker container.

We don’t recommend that you choose the docker route if you have a choice to do a native install. Docker containers are intended to run a single process and will stop as soon as their job is complete.

Our image, however, will run a process that never ends which in turn would enable you to get a terminal in that container.

We assume that you have docker installed and functional on your system.

Download the Dockerfile.txt from the sai ‘s repository.

Open up a terminal and cd into the directory that contains the docker file. Then, enter the command below:

docker build -t sai-docker .

Note that by running building our docker image, you’d be downloading a lot of intermediary stuff including Ubuntu and a new build of Python. That means, you should have at least 500MB available.

Assuming the build was successfull, then enter the command below to run it:

docker run sai-docker

Now open up a new terminal and enter the command below:

docker ps -a

Now copy the Container-ID of sai-docker. Then, in that new terminal enter:

docker exec -i -t CONTAINER-ID /bin/bash

Right now you should be having shell access within sai-docker container and should be able to run sai in the command line or import it in a python REPL.

To stop the docker process, exit the shell you’ve got in the container and open up a new terminal in your system and enter:

docker rm -rf CONTAINER-ID


If for any reason you wish to install sai, fear not! It’s quite simple.

Uninstall natively

If you’ve installed sai natively on your system, then you may just open up a command line and enter:

pip uninstall SimpleAudioIndexer

Depending on your operating system, uninstallation method of sox would be different. If you’re on Ubuntu, you may just enter:

sudo apt-get remove sox && sudo apt-get autoremove

If you were on OS X and used homebrew, you may open up a terminal and enter:

brew uninstall sox

If however you’ve installed sox via their repo, then it’d be just a simple drag and drop wherever you’ve installed it!

That’s it! You’ve uninstalled sai successfully!

Uninstalling CMU Pocketsphinx

You may uninstall sox and sai like it was described above. For uninstalling ffmpeg, proceed similarly to sox i.e. if you’re on an Ubuntu

sudo apt uninstall ffmpeg

or on Mac using homebrew

brew uninstall ffmpeg

To uninstall CMU Sphinx, go into the directory which you’ve compiled it and enter:

make uninstall

And then remove that directory.

Uninstall the Docker version

If you’ve installed sai from the dockerfile.txt found at the repo, then you may just open up a terminal and enter:

docker rmi sai-docker

Note an Ubuntu image would be installed alongside sai-docker as well. You may remove that similarly.